Byga Mobile


Get more done fast with FAR less effort. From the palm of your hand. Anywhere you are.

Next Feature: TEAM CFO

Personal Dashboard

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Personalized dashboards for families and team staff for messaging, updated schedules, and game day tools for their own players and teams. Directors and club staff dashboards for all of their administrative tools when on the go.

Byga youth sports club management mobile app
Byga youth sports club management mobile view of home page and example schedule with games and practices
Byga youth sports club management mobile view of inbox, email, and chat


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Send and receive messages with permitted recipients across the club from a mobile device.  Enable use of email, in-application chat or text messages.  Individuals control their own notifications based on personal preferences.

Byga youth sports club management mobile app messagging


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Publish starting lineups for each game through the Byga mobile application.  Players and families get updates anywhere and any time so they always know the latest plan for game day.

Byga youth sports club management lineup features on mobile
Byga youth sports club management mobile view of lineup builder with formations, player select, and sharing options
Byga youth sports club management mobile view of teamcast chat and live score update


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Collaborate to publish scores and match events.  Comment on key moments or post images as the game unfolds.  Celebrate together and share the game with followers who couldn't be present that day.

Byga youth sports club management teamcast live event chat
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